Sunday, May 18, 2008

In His Hands

Tomorrow I go up for my Flight Instructor Practical Test. I have never been more worried about being able to pass a test before. All I can do now is leave it in God's more than capable hands. Too many times we try to depend on our own abilities to get us through the trials in life. Up until a few moments ago, I was going to go in there and try to pass it under my own power. Then, as I was looking for a picture to put on the cover of my Instructor Notebook I came across a picture of an eagle with Isaiah 40:31 as the caption. It dawned on me that I have been neglecting to include God in this situation. For the past month I have been stressing out about this test. Remembering to include God, and lay it before Him has allowed me to calm down. I am of course still nervous about tomorrow, but I am no longer in near panic mode. Thank you, Lord, for reminding me of Your eternal grace.