Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Jesus, One Among Many

There are many out there that claim that Jesus is just one savior among a host of other saviors. There are many cultures before Jesus’ time that had similar persons that showed up claiming deity, being born of a virgin, having disciples, performing miracles, and saving mankind. Admittedly, I had never heard about these others until I started looking into the opposition, so I was a little taken aback at first.

Then I engaged my brain. How many of those “saviors” fulfilled over 200 prophecies written as much as a millennium before His arrival? How many have changed the lives of millions of people? How many started a religion that has lasted over 2000 years?

The logical train of thought would be that, if He were just one among many, He should have followed suit along with them. What makes Him different, beyond the Christian belief that He was God? For one, He was real. Many of the “saviors” were merely mythical, stories told as tales. He was a real person in time. For another, He was consistent. He preached the same message from the beginning of His ministry until His ascension into Heaven. I’m sure there are a few more, but these are sufficient for my point.

When you come down to it though, He is the one true Savior because He has stood the test of time. From an earthly perspective, that just does not make any sense. He should have followed in the footsteps of His predecessors, but He did not. Ultimately, the reason He hasn’t faded into the obscurity of history and myth is because the Holy Spirit is active in keeping His followers true. Without some sort of external force, Jesus would have been a footnote in the history of failed religions. He is singular in His ministry, His life, His death, His resurrection, and His ascension. He is the Lord on high, and in the end, EVERY knee will bow and EVERY tongue will confess that He is Lord and Savior.