Somehow, faith has become a bad word these days. Somehow,
faith has been divorced from logic these days. Somehow, faith rules the heart
but reason rules the mind these days. When did this happen?
It used to be that faith and reason walked hand in hand. Faith
led to scientific discovery. Faith formed nations. Faith changed people. Faith
without reason was fantasy. Not so today. Somewhere during the Renaissance,
faith left its rational roots and became some sort of hocus pocus.
Earlier I said that I grew up in a Christian home. My
faith defines me, but my faith is not irrational. My faith must remain
consistent with reason otherwise it is fancy. If my faith were not rational, I
would be a fool for holding to it. Faith without reason leads to all sorts of craziness.
My faith is so rational that without it, my world would crumble. If my faith
proved false (not the logical order) then my faith would be useless, and I
would be the most pitiful fool. Anyone that holds to irrational faith is just
asking for ridicule. Apologetics is all about the reason for faith. Yes, faith
has a supernatural quality to it, but if it doesn’t make sense it will guide
you to places you shouldn’t go. Be ready to give reason for your faith, not to
defend it against others to convince them, but to keep it steady in your life.