Thursday, May 16, 2013

Totally Biased

I grew up in a Christian home, with Christian parents, with Christian stories. I accepted Christ at a young age. I have been a Christian for about twenty-four years. So I must admit bias. But is that bias wrong? Is it wrong to be biased? How would we function if we weren’t biased?

We all have our biases. They are part of our worldview. Some biases are harmful, to us and to others, while some are neutral, and others are helpful. Without them it would be difficult to comprehend our world. Unfortunately, in terms of spirituality, it seems Christian biases are the only ones perceived as bad. An Atheist is biased against God, so any evidence presented that indicates God would be immediately dismissed, and this would be a good thing. A Christian with the bias that human life is sacred and thus abortion is wrong? Oh, you silly Christians, we know better now.

You and I cannot function without our biases. Biases should only become wrong when they prevent us from accepting the truth. But our biases must be rational. They help us to weed out bad information or faulty logic. They keep us from blowing on the wind of every new idea. Without them, we would not have the technology we have today. They guide us in our daily lives as our default mode of thinking. They can lead to stagnation, true enough, but without them we cannot progress. Hold to your biases, but not so tightly that you shut your eyes to everything else. Compare the new ideas to your bias, and if they make more sense, make new biases.