Saturday, May 11, 2013

Opposition With My Allies

I often find myself confounded by the things people say they believe. A famous atheist said that he would believe aliens deposited life on Earth before he’ll believe God did. Really? And the fact that that still doesn’t answer the question about the origins of life doesn’t faze you? While I can’t see this as a reasonable statement, it would be consistent with an atheistic view. The ones that really irk me are more often the beliefs professed by Christians, and I think rightfully so. Nobody likes to see their personal belief system maligned by others, and it is especially worse when the insulter is on your side.

I may balk at the claims made by my opponents, but I must cringe and shake my head when my abettors say things completely antithetical to our side. When Christians rally with signs and shouts of “God hates gays”, I must cringe. That is hateful speech, not loving, and is completely unbiblical. But the ones that really get to me are the ones that clearly contradict Scripture. I once heard a widely respected pastor tell a woman that she did not need to love her husband if he didn’t love and respect her. That one made me scream at the heresy. Scripture in fact tells the complete opposite, love your spouse no matter what they do. Or how about the claim that God refuses to directly interfere with the thoughts and actions of people? It is foolish for a Christian to hold this position because Scripture clearly teaches and shows examples of God directly interfering with people’s thoughts and actions, and nevermind the fact that it is in opposition to the Sovereignty of God. And the list goes on.

Unfortunately, this is a sad outcome of the wide “popularity” of Christianity. I’ve heard claims that the United States is made up of as much as 85% Christians. That number seems absurdly high to me, seeing as how Christians are being attacked on so many fronts. My concern in all this is consistency. I would rather debate someone who I disagree with vehemently who is consistent than be sided with someone I agree with who is inconsistent.