Saturday, May 18, 2013

A Revelation In Revelation

I am currently making my way through Revelation. I was reticent because of all the imagery and prophecy, but according to John, it is just as important as the rest of Scripture. After working through the letters to the churches, John is shown a vision of the throne room. Aside from the 24 elders, it is quite similar to the account in Ezekiel except that it seems to be from a different perspective. In Ezekiel it seems to be looking up toward the throne, while John seems to be level with the throne.

There are two things that struck me while reading the two accounts. One is that there is a separation between the four angels and God, but the elders are around God. This seems to indicate a place of authority of believers over even the angels. The second realization was what the four angels represent. They appear as a man, lion, ox, and eagle, and they worship God for all eternity. The notes in my Bible indicate they represent the “kings” of their field, lions over the wild animals, oxen over the domesticated animals, and eagles over the birds, and of course man over creation. I was trying to understand, “Why four animals as angels?” Then it hit me; all of creation glorifies God. Not just Man, but all the animals as well. All of creation is the manifestation of His glory, and all of it must worship Him.

A sub-note that I realized while writing this, believers will have a position not only above angels, but also above non-believers. However, even believers will bow before God and praise Him, acknowledging that even their righteousness comes from Him. It seems that when the Bible says that, “…every knee will bow and every tongue confess…”, it is not only in reference to human knees and tongues, but all creation.