Friday, May 10, 2013

Why Must The Bible Be Historically Accurate?

In my study of the opposition, this question has come up repeatedly. Honestly, the question answers itself, but that would require thinking about the implications of the question. Why does it matter if the Bible is accurate? The implied statement is, the Bible is a religious document just like any other. And that is the answer to the question. If the Bible is not accurate, it is merely myth book, or a morality play, not the inspired Word of God and holds no more authority than any other religious text.

“But it still holds good ways to live among others,” is often the response of Christians that don’t hold to an accurate Bible. Unfortunately, they aren’t thinking this through. It becomes merely a social gospel without authority. Christianity is based on the authoritative teachings of Christ. We must believe that Christ is who He claimed to be, and if the Bible isn’t accurate, how can we believe the words He said? If the Bible is not accurate historically, it moves out of the realm of inspired Word of God, and into the realm of conglomeration of writings by several human authors trying to teach a lesson.

People try to remove the authority of Scripture because they know it claims that authority. They also know that without that authority, it is no more important to live by than any other religious text. Sure, it has good social teachings, but so do many others, but they are no more authoritative than this blog. Without the morality given by God through His Word, morality becomes fluid and only conditional on the culture’s definition of what is moral. Hold to the accuracy of Scripture, because without it, we are the most pitiful people.