Thursday, May 2, 2013

Creation Vs. Evolution

I recently watched a series of videos, not in a series together, just a series of like videos, about Creationists and Evolutionists and the debate going on. I have several problems with the debate in general, ignoring what side I come down on. When it comes to Creationism or Evolution, the hugest debate isn’t about processes or even age, but about origin. Neither Creationists nor Evolutionists can prove scientifically their hypothesis about the origin of the universe. Nobody was there to record it, it isn’t a repeatable process, and nobody will be around to see if it can happen again. It simply cannot be empirically proven one way or the other. Either way it is a philosophical debate, but both sides seem to believe it is not.

The debate also flies in the face of our world’s mantra of “Tolerance”. Based on the videos, Evolutionists look down their noses at Creationists as if they don’t have two brain cells to rub together. There is no room for discussion on the matter. Tolerance of a differing hypothesis about the origin of everything will not be accepted. In the scientific community, it is either Evolution or bust.

Why can’t the idea of a Creator even be posited? Neither Big Bang, nor God can be proved. Most Creationists believe that the age of the universe is less than that of the Evolutionist, but the age cannot be accurately proven either, since again, we have no record of it, and the observations made are based on our perception of the evidence, which may or may not be accurate. The age of the universe is made by assumption, not fact. Evolutionists assume that everything has happened at the same rate for all time. Creationists claim that the rate of things happening has changed over time. Neither can be proven scientifically because we have no way of testing it. They are both merely ideas.

One of my hugest qualms with the side of the Evolutionists is the condescension of making Evolution a “Theory”. I remember from my science classes that there was an order to the scientific process. It was roughly; hypothesis, testing, retesting, adjust hypothesis, more testing, theory, time, Law. Evolution has seemingly skipped over hypothesis and testing and been deemed theory. How arrogant is that? In none of the practical sciences can you be taken seriously without lots and lots of testing of an hypothesis. Evolution simply cannot be tested yet. Maybe in time, with all the recording we’ve been doing, it can be tested, but as of now, Evolution can only be an hypothesis, and yet it is given the surety of theory. This simply is not fair on a scientific level.

The most important thing is, don’t dismiss the scientific study of someone simply because they don’t believe in the same improvable hypothesis you believe in. Evolutionists claim that Creationists are stunting scientific inquiry, which cannot be further from the truth. No scientist, Creationist nor Evolutionist, worth their salt says, “it just happens”, and then let it be. The Catholic Church has been ridiculed for years because of their stubbornness, don’t fall into the same trap they did, Evolutionists.