Monday, May 13, 2013

Punishments of Sin

One of the arguments against Christians is that we claim that the Bible is God’s Word, and yet we don’t follow all of it. Most often it is in reference to the Old Testament, and even more often the punishments are pointed out. Children stoned for disobedience, adulterers stoned, and so on. Often those in the debate are put on their heels when someone brings up the Old Testament punishments. I don’t see a problem with believing that the Moral Law still holds while the punishment for disobeying that Law doesn’t. We do it all the time even today in America. It used to be that the punishment for premeditated murder was death. Over time we have changed the punishment for murder, but we haven’t changed the belief that murder is wrong.

That is the exact teaching of Scripture to Christians about the Law. We are no longer held under the punishments of the Law, but we are still held to the morality of the Law. It is still a sin to disobey your parents, or to commit adultery, or to have sex outside of marriage, or to have homosexual sex. The fact that we no longer hold the same punishments for those sins doesn’t mean they are no longer sins. Christ came to fulfill the Law, not remove it. Without the Law, it becomes difficult to delineate right and wrong. We can see that clearly in our society today. We want to redefine right and wrong so that we can do what we want to do. The Law says that homosexual activity is a sin, but since there are those among us that want to participate in homosexual activity, we must redefine the Law, and since we no longer punish homosexuals with death, then it must be alright, right?

Don’t let the world fool you. What God considered sin 5,000 years ago He still considers sin today. The fact that the earthly punishment for those sins has changed doesn’t diminish the fact that they are still sins. Ultimately, the punishment has remained the same for all sins for all time, “The wages of sin is death.” Temporally, punishments shift, but the sin remains sin.